Advice from Your Transportation Service: Roadside Inspection Saves Lives

This is not a topic anyone likes to think about, but the truth is that every time you get behind the wheel, you risk injuring yourself or even losing your life. That risk is even higher for those driving heavy duty trucks, and as a transportation service in Aurora, CO, the team here at Osage Specialized Transport is well aware of that fact. Fortunately, there are many different things we can do to significantly lower that risk.

Additionally, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) also plays a role in protecting truck drivers and other drivers on the road. Through routine roadside inspections, FMCSA saves hundreds of lives each year, and we are proud to comply with their regulations. Here is a closer look at how roadside inspection helps to save lives.

Key facts

According to the FMSCA, the organization’s routine roadside inspections of heavy duty trucks saved over 7,000 lives between 2001 and 2016. Additionally, FMSCA estimates that these measures prevented over 9,000 and over 14,000 commercial truck or bus collisions in that same time period. In fact, FMSCA claims to have saved over 470 lives through roadside inspections of commercial trucks in 2012 alone.

All those facts and figures add up to one undeniable truth: roadside inspections are a crucial part of the industry, and it falls on our shoulders as trucking professionals to not only comply with FMSCA’s recommendations, but to go above and beyond in terms of safety. The team here at Osage Specialized Transport is proud to do just that.

Safety compliance

As a transportation service in Aurora, CO, Osage Specialized Transport offers the full gamut of logistics services, from fulfillment services to heavy duty hauling. But no matter which service we are providing, safety always remains at the forefront of our minds.

Rather than waiting for FMSCA to conduct a roadside inspection on our vehicles, we use our own inspections and experience to make sure that our trucks and drivers are always completely prepared and fit for the road ahead of them. When an FMSCA roadside inspection does uncover a lapse in our safety preparedness, we do everything we can to locate the issue and ensure it does not happen again. Our customers trust us to transport their goods safely, and this is the least that we can do for them, and for our fellow drivers.

Trust the best

If you are looking for a transportation service in Aurora, CO, remember that safety should be one of your top priorities. The same way you would ask about experience or certification, do not hesitate to also inquire about a particular company’s safety procedures and inspections. In doing so, you are protecting your products, your company and your fellow drivers.

Here at Osage Specialized Transport, we are proud to consider safety a top priority, and to be completely transparent about our own safety requirements and procedures. If you would like to learn more about safety inspections or our logistics services, please give Osage Specialized Transport a call today or anytime.