Specialized Equipment & Oversized Load Hauling
Have product, goods, or equipment you need moved to or from South Carolina? If so, call (303) 326-0374 or use the form to contact Osage Specialized Transport today for an estimate!
- Founded in 1995
- Greatwide Truckload Management Team Member
- Top 5 Agent for Greatwide, Greentree Transportation & Midwest
- Buchanan Hauling & Rigging Agent

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Since 1995 Osage Specialized Transport has been providing trucking and heavy hauling support to hundreds of customers needing everything from construction equipment to significant size materials moved from point A to point B across the country and regionally. Because of the unique structure of its company model, Osage has two levels of quality in both its customers and truckers. As a result, the entire company works to perform at the highest level, which in turn improves the customer’s satisfaction, which in turn improves the careers of the drivers involved. As a result, this type of partnership has performed extremely well, even in challenging times when traditional hauling services have had to pull back on their resources or staffing.
Osage handles all types of major hauling commodities. Everything from 60-foot Christmas trees to mobile homes, tankers and even building units have been loaded and moved on a regular basis by Osage drivers and crews. One of the unique aspects of Osage involves integration with large projects from the start, which improves project planning tremendously as well as hauling options for customers as spec changes come up during progress.
Because Osage Trucking is vertically integrated for all levels of its service, we can provide customers a complete documentation tracking of all points of movement, permitting, documentation, manifests and similar on loads transported. This is unique as many providers often work through a network of partners or subcontractors, each maintaining their own piece of the documentation for their segment.
Additionally, we continually maintain full tracking of all our equipment at all times. This allows Osage not only to identify where various shipped components may be in transit but to also control the entire flow to match a customer’s schedule and timing of need. That reduces downtime and storage cost issues and improves a customer’s workflow on sites for resource scheduling. We even go so far as to provide visual tracking so customers can see their loads at various stages of transit as well as their condition. Expertise services include:

Specialized Transport

Oversize Loads

Logistics Planning
Osage Trucking provides an essential support system for the pipeline industry, and we are repeatedly recognized for timely delivery of multiple equipment and supply needs across the country. Much of our experience started with heavy pipeline industrial infrastructure replacement in Colorado and Texas, and then up to Wyoming and Montana. Because of this regional expansion, Osage has worked on many of the major pipelines from Ruby to Keystone to Rover and North Dakota Access. We are currently based in Colorado, but our fleet reaches nationwide across the Continental 48. That includes all types of industry movement, jobsite specific targeting or wide-spread scopes, off and on road equipment transport, and we also address temporary storage as well. With 24-hour live support and trailer options from flatbeds to step decks, we have just about every trailer needed even for the biggest jobs. We can also handle all the related logistical management for clients, letting you simply focus on the destinations and the delivery timing.
Aside from all the benefits already noted above, as a client you benefit from an owner/operator system that is held efficiently seamlessly together by Osage management and administration. It becomes the best of both worlds of relying on vested drivers who personally care about their service and load deliveries as well as a corporate presence that gives a client one contact and place to work with for all their documentation needs and logistics. The system works exceptionally well and has had decades of testing refinement with the pipeline industry already. Take advantage of Osage for your next delivery project, and you will personally realize why so many other companies have already made Osage their go-to resources for heavy hauling.